

Dunbar & District Branch is a registered charity offering Comradeship, Welfare and Remembrance for the ex-service community and their dependants, those still serving and all those in the area who support the charitable aims and objectives of Legion Scotland.

We also operate a Social Club which generates income for the Branch to help us fulfil our charitable purpose.

For membership enquiries contact secretary@rbldunbar.co.uk

Comradeship (link from Home)

Comradeship is a vital part of the identity of Legion Scotland, it is just one of the ways we can make a positive difference to the wellbeing of veterans.

Dunbar & District Branch holds Armed Forces Comradeship events. If you enjoy a bit of inter-forces banter and have a few ‘war stories’ to tell, you (plus partner) would be most welcome to attend.

We also have a Branch Standard Bearer and are recruiting for an Escort to the Colour squad. If you can still march, why not volunteer?

Our Poppy Collection Team Leader Sharon Kaszuba (ex-Royal Navy) is recruiting team players for her 2021 fund raising campaign. Can you offer some time to help?

Welfare (link from Home)

There are a large number of organisations Legion Scotland work with who provide a wide range of specialist support for members of the Armed Forces Community, including a Pensions and Advocacy Service plus access to advisors available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

To remind members that the Legion family is thinking about them when they are in hospital or recuperating from illness, we will send a Get Well Soon card and £10 ASDA gift voucher. Please let us know if your friend or family member is ill and we will send the card and voucher to the address on our membership list.

If you or a veteran friend needs help, please email our Welfare Officer at welfare@rbldunbar.co.uk or call 01368 123456.

Remembrance (link from Home)

Legion Scotland are the custodians of remembrance in Scotland.

Remembrance for those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation regardless of age or conflict, remains a top priority for Legion Scotland. 

Dunbar & District Branch also helps maintain local war memorials.

We commemorate Armistice Day each 11th November at 11am, by having a remembrance event at the War Memorial adjacent to Marine Rd, Dunbar, EH42 1AR.

Additionally, a Remembrance Sunday service is held on the Sunday closest to 11th November. These events are merged in to one, when the 11th November is also a Sunday.

Please feel free to join us and pay your respects.

Typically, we will have a parade led by the Dunbar British Legion Pipe Band, Afterwards, all attendees are welcome to retire to the Social Club for refreshments and to socialise.

We also take orders for remembrance wreaths at cost; for more information please contact secretary@rbldunbar.co.uk

Standard Bearer & Piper at a funeral??

Armed Forces Day

Armed Forces Day is 26th June every year.

Armed Forces Day is a chance to show our support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving personnel to Service families, veterans and cadets.

We plan to hold an event each year to show solidarity with our military colleagues still in uniform.